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7 Ways to Help Teachers During the School Year

Across America, most kids are back at school, which means many teachers and faculty members are returning to teach the future of this country. There are many things we can and need to do for our children, but there are ways we can help out teachers. While teachers are fighting for higher salaries and coming out of their pocket for expenses needed for the classroom, they could use some compassion. I’m sure there’s an educator who would love donations, whether financially, with supplies, or even food (hey, teachers have to eat too). While it’s nice to donate here and there, here are seven ways to help teachers during the school year!

1. Donate to their CashApp/Venmo/Zelle

Which teacher wouldn’t love some unexpected money to help design classrooms and provide things that expand their student's minds or creativity?

2. Treat a teacher to lunch

Hey, teachers need to eat too. Who doesn’t want free food?

3. Donate supplies for the class

Not only will this help the teachers, but potentially the faculty and other students.

4. Volunteer at the school

No matter the school most could use an extra pair of hands. Whether in the classroom or at school events, it all matters!

5. Attend PTA meetings

I always say if you want to see a change, be the change. What better way to improve your child’s learning environment than being a part of the process?

6. Donate money to the school

If you can spend money to see your favorite artists, you can spend money to invest in a child’s education.

7. Discuss, don’t argue

Teachers are humans just like you. They have ups and downs, manage a classroom of 15-20 students, and have a personal life. If you have an issue, there’s no need to yell. You can discuss your feelings like a mature adult.